24 Jan Is Singapore Math Not Working for Your School?
Is Singapore math not working for your school? Did your school switched to using Singapore math curriculum, hoping for better mathematics instructions and deeper conceptual understanding, but sadly test scores still not improved? Did you know that more teachers are feeling frustrated about adopting the new methods they are not used to teaching?
If your answer is Yes, then we are very sad to hear about this. There are so many reasons for the performance gap. But one major reason can be because the school had adopted the “Singapore math” curriculum, but had not invested enough time to train the teachers and schools. As a result, teachers will feel they had insufficient training beforehand. It’s possible that some teachers won’t be able to get through the whole curriculum within the school year, that will then create the need for teachers in subsequent years to back-fill what kids did not learn — on top of the curriculum that they need to teach.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP the math teachers?
The teachers need more than one workshop and training to adequately prepare themselves for a new math approach. The curriculum materials consist of a set of textbooks, workbooks and teachers guides. They are not meant to replace experience. Teachers need year-round support, not just as a source to ask technical questions about new techniques such as bar models or number bonds, but also to discover what they don’t know, and what other grade level teachers are teaching. They shouldn’t have to wait till the next summer to ask these questions at another workshop/ training. They need to get answers quickly throughout the year.
Teachers should not second guess the overall effectiveness of the curriculum, or sit on the side-line wondering if the school is going to switch to another fancy curriculum again in a few years time. The Singapore based curriculum works – it is based on years of research and best practices. Have faith and dig in to fully understand the “new” instructional methods and tools. Internalize and reflect on how they are better or worse than other “traditional” or more familiar methods. Question and discuss with your math coach or other teachers, if you feel strongly against a particular pedagogical approach. At the end of the day, your students need you to show them the path. You need to spend the time to understand how to operate the lamp before you step into the classroom.
This course will be particularly helpful for teachers who do not have experience yet with Singapore Math and even those with 1-2 years of experience who just want to brush up their teaching skills. This will also beneficial for those educators wanting to research the possibility of adopting Singapore Math in school.
- you will learn different ways on how to teach certain topics using manipulative and toys
- you will learn how to apply strategies to improve math instruction in your classrooms.
- this will be a refresher to boost your singapore math teaching skills.
- it will give you the knowledge and confidence to teach in depth and create deeper understanding for you and your students.
- you will be able to effectively deliver the curriculum in a right and positive manner.
WHEN? March 1, 2020 Sunday 9am to 4pm
Enrich Asia Philippines
2nd Floor, Yu Sing Kai Building, Bayan-Bayanan Ave. Marikina City (near Meralco, beside Greenwich and across Shell Station)
Fee: P1500 – Regular rate
P1200 – Early Bird Discounted Rate
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Deposit payment then send deposit slip to claire@enrich-asia.com Bank details: Metrobank Account Name: Enrich Asia Philippines Management Inc. Account Number: 066-7066-407850
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